Historical and old photos, pictures and images of Hialeah, Florida
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History of city Hialeah, Florida in photos

A small historical reference


Incorporation: September 10, 1925


Population: 224 669


Hialeah. Construction of the Hialeah Park
Construction of the Hialeah Park horse racing grandstand, 1924
Hialeah. Drug Company, 1921
Exterior front view of the Hialeah Drug Company, 1921
Hialeah. Drug Company, circa 1922
Hialeah Drug Company, circa 1922
Hialeah. Restaurant, newly constructed, 1922
Exterior front view of the Hialeah Restaurant, newly constructed, 1922
Hialeah. Grandstand packed
Grandstand packed with spectators at Hialeah Park racetrack, circa 1920
Hialeah. Cash Store, 1920
Hialeah Cash Store, 1920
Hialeah. Police station
Police station and fire department, 1927
Hialeah. First State Bank, 1926
Remains of the First State Bank of Hialeah, 1926

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