Historical and old photos, pictures and images of Omaha, Nebraska
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Seal of Omaha

Cities of the World • Cities of the United States • List of cities of Nebraska

History of city Omaha, Nebraska in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: 1854


Population: 434 353


Omaha. Catholic school, 1938
Catholic school, 1938
Omaha. East end of Grand Court
East end of Grand Court, International Exposition, 1898
Omaha. Night illumination of Grand Court
Night illumination of Grand Court, International Exposition, 1898
Omaha. Italian district
Italian district Democratic headquarters, South Omaha, 1938
Omaha. New York Life Insurance Company Building, circa 1898
New York Life Insurance Company Building, circa 1898
Omaha. Old house for sale, 1938
Old house for sale, 1938
Omaha. Residential district, 1938
Residential district, 1938
Omaha. The City Hall, between 1900 and 1910
The City Hall, between 1900 and 1910

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