Historical and old photos, pictures and images of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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History of city Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in photos

A small historical reference


Date of foundation: November 27, 1758


Population: 304 391


Pittsburgh. Female worker bottling ketchup at the original Heinz factory, 1897
Female worker bottling ketchup at the original Heinz factory, 1897
Pittsburgh. Fifth Avenue, 1908
Fifth Avenue, 1908
Pittsburgh. Panorama of city
Panorama of city
Pittsburgh. Point Bridge, 1900
Point Bridge, 1900
Pittsburgh. Sixth Avenue and Cherry way in 1908
Sixth Avenue and Cherry way in 1908
Pittsburgh. Smithfield Street, 1900
Smithfield Street, 1900
Pittsburgh. The H.J. Heinz Company plant, 1903
The H.J. Heinz Company plant, 1903
Pittsburgh. Wood Street and the Farmers Bank, 1910
Wood Street and the Farmers Bank, 1910

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